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About us

Churches-Families And Communities Together (C-FACT) / Connecting Families is a researched and cultural response to connecting and restoring families and communities. It is vigorous and effective in increasing assets and protective factors by improving family relationships, parenting skills, and improving youth's social and life skills. We assist parents and other family members in developing cooperative, healthy relationships with each other by emphasizing spirituality, educational, culture, ancestral connections and the role of the elderly.  It Includes pre and post evaluations as well as evaluations of the  program and process.


Children do better when their families are strong, and families do better when they live in communities that help them to succeed .       
- Annie E. Casey Foundation


​Our mission is to help families face challenges, improve communication, deal wih stress, identify their family strengths and build on them. We continuously support our mission by training, certifying and maintaining a certified Churches-Families And Communities Together (C-FACT) / Connecting Families Site Team that becomes an active and integral support team. Our mission, also, train  and teach families new skills to help improve communication, deal with stress, and strengthen the family. 


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