Churches-Families And Communities Together (C-FACT)
National Training Institute
Providing long-term and needed solutions to address the complex relationship between families and poverty
...Helping Families to Survive!
Families and Youth Strengthening Training
Emphasis on Youth, Family and Community Prevention of Violence and Trauma
Empowering Economic Mobility
Workforce Readiness
Grant Writing
Business Development
Community Development
Creating Economic Development for All
Triumph Over Trauma
Healing doesn't mean the damage never existed. It means the damage no longer controls your life.
Schools, Families and Community Connections
Promoting Positive Student Outcomes
Community Mobile Food Pantries
"Feeding the Need" of those experiencing Food Insecurity
Holistic or "Whole Person" Care
In-House Service and referrals for housing, financial, mental health support, life skills,
food, health check-ups, employment, ets.